A dataset about the planets of the solar system


This is a dataset for planets that I found, it is useful for anyone who programs in Python

The downloaded has more fields

Planet,Color,Mass (10^24kg),Diameter (km),Density (kg/m^3),Surface Gravity(m/s^2),Escape Velocity (km/s),Rotation Period (hours),Length of Day (hours),Distance from Sun (10^6 km),Perihelion (10^6 km),Aphelion (10^6 km),Orbital Period (days),Orbital Velocity (km/s),Orbital Inclination (degrees),Orbital Eccentricity,Obliquity to Orbit (degrees),Mean Temperature (C),Surface Pressure (bars),Number of Moons,Ring System?,Global Magnetic Field?

Here is an example of some of the data

Planet Mass (10^24kg) Diameter (km) Surface Gravity(m/s^2) Rotation Period (hours) Length of Day (hours) Distance from Sun (10^6 km) Number of Moons Global Magnetic Field
Mercury 0.33 4879 3.7 1407.6 4222.6 57.9 0 Yes
Venus 4.87 12104 8.9 -5832.5 2802 108.2 0 No
Earth 5.97 12756 9.8 23.9 24 149.6 1 Yes
Mars 0.642 6792 3.7 24.6 24.7 228 2 No
Jupiter 1898 142984 23.1 9.9 9.9 778.5 79 Yes
Saturn 568 120536 9 10.7 10.7 1432 82 Yes
Uranus 86.8 51118 8.7 -17.2 17.2 2867 27 Yes
Neptune 102 49528 11 16.1 16.1 4515 14 Yes



The dataset and python example is available from
